Thursday, February 25, 2010


For anyone who runs, we have all had that point in time when we just feel lazy, tired, or sluggish. We make up lame excuses, we find ways to sneak out of it, or we simply just do not have the time to run. Well that is the great part about running--motivation is around just about every corner. We see it all the time on the sidelines of races (people yelling and cheering). However, the more important thing is learning to utilize that burst of energy by going out for a run. In my opinion, running is a routine thing. Everyone has that one time of the day that is kind of tucked away for his or her run--that one chance for freedom. That is really the key. It is to have a time of day that fits your schedule with comfort. This way you do not have to worry about all the stresses that come with our fast-paced life. Were all hard working people. We all owe it to ourselves to get and feel that brush of fresh air at least 2-3 times per week. Another great piece of advice is to find a friend who also enjoys running. Do not worry about your ability level. YOU CAN DO IT!!!! That is the great thing about running with a friend. You have someone there to socialize with during a more relaxed type of run. If you are hardcore about it, then you have someone there to push you to your limits and you get the reward of self-achievement. You can't beat that.

One type of motivation and is inner motivation. Inner motivation is simply the ability to motivate yourself from within. This is the most difficult part of motivation. This is the part that I think most people struggle with. It all starts with self confidence, and that comes from the support of fellow runners. It is pretty easy to find, considering that runners have that special bond amongst each other. Once you get the support from fellow runners, then it is safe to say that you are probably on the right track. The next step after that is learning the importance of work ethic. But that is a topic for another time.

Here is a video that will help you become more motivated.
Hope you enjoy it!


  1. I can always relate to your post. I often feel this way and it's really making me sick and hate my routines...I love to run, perhaps what you've said is true that I might just need a little motivation...Thanks a lot for posting.

  2. I agree that the more important thing is learning to utilize that burst of energy by going out for a run..Nice post.


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